11am ET Sourdough Start-Along @ Instagram Stories
Have you always wanted to make a sourdough starter? Now is the time! I’ll be posting a video on Instagram Stories every day at 11am ET so you can play along. All you need is flour, water, and a container (and a kitchen scale if you have one). This takes about 8-12 days and I’ll be saving it all as a story highlight if you want to reference it in the future.
3pm ET The Science of Pizza Dough for Kids @ Facebook
Hop on the Scott’s Pizza Tours Facebook page for a live lesson all about the science of pizza dough. This is intended for elementary school kids but anyone can join. If you want to play along, all you need is flour, water, salt, dry yeast, a bowl, a kitchen scale (measuring cups and spoons accepted), and a dream.
11am ET Sourdough Start-Along @ Instagram Stories
On day 2 of our sourdough start-along, we have a dramatic surprise in store for you. It involves stirring.
8:30pm ET Pizza History Online Class @ Zoom (via Brooklyn Brainery)
For anyone who has taken a pizza tour with us, this online class is going to take it all to the next level. I’ll be presenting some deep cuts about the history of pizza in Naples and NYC. Broadcasting live from my home office, I’ll have access to all the photos, books, archival records, and primary sources we don’t have on our tours. Tickets are just $5 and available here.
11am ET Sourdough Start-Along @ Instagram Stories
Day 3 means more feeding! Bring some flour, water, and your starter.
3pm ET Stretching Pizza Dough for Kids @ Facebook
I’ll show you how to stretch the pizza dough I made on Monday. If you can’t make pizza dough at home, tons of pizzerias across the U.S. are selling home pizza kits. Or you can watch and play along with Play-Doh!
11am ET Sourdough Start-Along @ Instagram Stories
Day 4 needs MORE flour and water, but not much more.
11am ET Sourdough Start-Along @ Instagram Stories
Things are really taking off by day 5. Your yeast and bacteria are really getting jazzy. But they need one thing. You guessed it, flour and water! Oh dang, that’s two things.
1:30pm ET Pizza Box Collection Tour @ Facebook Live
I hold the Guinness World Record for my collection of over 1,500 pizza boxes. They’re all amazing, they’re all (mostly) unused, and they’re all in my apartment. Join me on Instagram as I show you some of my favorites from nearly 100 different countries!