It has been exactly three years since I ran my first official pizza tour on the big yellow school bus (April 27, 2008). So much has happened over the past three years and I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has ever been involved in any way.
Thanks to all the people who have taken tours (there are almost 10,000 of you out there!); thanks to all the pizza lovers who have emailed me with suggestions; thanks to all the editors and journalists who have written about SPT; thanks to PMQ and Pizza Today for welcoming me and SPT into the national pizza community; thanks to Tony Muia from A Slice of Brooklyn for helping me get started; thanks to anyone who has ever reviewed us on TripAdvisor, Yelp, Zerve or told a friend about our tours; thanks to all my fellow pizza enthusiasts and bloggers who have hipped me to new spots, shared slices with me, even taken pizza trips with me; thanks to my family for not having me committed when I quite a steady job with benefits. Most importantly, I want to thank all the pizzerias who have been so warm and welcoming to our groups. We only do what we do because they are too busy selling pizza to tell their own stories.
Thank you all for supporting SPT these past three years. We look forward to sharing more slices with you as we continue our journey through the ever-changing NYC pizza landscape.
Yours in pizza,