We are incredibly proud to announce that our nonprofit Slice Out Hunger raised $50,000 for NYC hunger relief organizations with our annual $1 Pizza Party event on October 4, 2017. The event brought together 65 pizzerias from around NYC and NJ for a night of $1 slices. Even though all slices, drinks, desserts, and raffle tickets were sold for just $1 each, we were able to raise $50k with the help of sponsorships and private donations.
As a result of the event, City Harvest will be able to rescue and serve 100,000 pounds of food in NYC. The Sylvia Center will have funding for 100 students and their families to learn how to cook healthy, nutritious meals in a Cooks for Health course at community centers across New York City. At the end of this course, these young people and their families will be able to cook healthy meals at home, and will be equipped with cooking skills to last a lifetime.

Big thanks to all the pizzerias, local businesses, volunteers, and attendees who made this event possible! Check out the list of sponsors and participating pizzerias here.