I made some dough four or five days ago using some Ischia starter pretty much just because I had to feed it. It was getting a bit raunchy so I invited my downstairs neighbor Simon up to help me eat it all. The results were solid!
First, the recipe:
175g room temp water
300g King Arthur bread flour
50g Whole Wheat flour
[mix to combine and let that hydrate for 30 min or so]
300g Ischia starter (highly active)
[mix to combine]
13g salt
[knead gently until you don’t feel like kneading anymore, split into 3 and store balls in lightly oiled containers in refrigerator]
Now, the bake method:
I’m using a Baking Steel right around the center of the oven. Oven is set to highest (mine goes to 550 degrees F (290 degrees C) but I switch to BROIL after about 3 minutes inside the oven. Last night was the first time in a loooong time I didn’t clock each pie, but they seemed to be about 4-5 minutes.
The dough was a bit tough to stretch, but the third pie pulled easiest (photo on top). Here are the results, using a mix of lo-mo and fresh mozz plus whatever random toppings were laying around. Simon brought 6 or 7 Calamata olives and we stretched them over two pies. I loved the one with the olives copped really fine and sprinkled about. Check them out….
Sweet bubble action but I’m not happy with the stretch on this.
Nice fingerling potato, red onion, cherry tomato, Calamata olive, mozz pie!
Simon’s in focus, but my attention is directed to the even char!