Here’s what you missed at International Pizza Expo 2015 in Las Vegas

PEPPERONIBMOBILE Yes, there was a pepperoni Corvette. Dan Collier drove it to the show and noticed an empty spot on the expo floor. It quickly became the best parking spot in town as well as the week’s most popular photo op. 

NIGHTMARES There were plenty of kitchy pizza hats and shirts, but the full-body costumes bring a whole new level of commitment. 

FIRECE COMPETITION Big money prizes go to the best pizza makers in categories like Italian, Traditional, Non-traditional, gluten free, pan and best of the best! 

NEON It wouldn’t be pizza without the neon.

MORE NIGHTMARES And you thought you were safe… HA!

TOSSED Yes, that is a grown man tossing dough while rocking an inflatable prison suit. Pretty cool!

Largest Stretc It’s true. Multiple tape measures are crucial when you want to be exact in your diameter calculations.

ACTUAL PIZZA Everywhere we turn there’s another person making fresh pizza. Its beautiful. 


Pizza Tours

Walking Pizza Tours

Sunday Pizza Bus Tour

Private Pizza Tours

Virtual Pizza Classes

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