Gluten Free Pizza in NYC

May is Celiac Awareness Month! Regardless of the fact that lots of people unnecessarily avoid the protein composite, it is nonetheless a legitimate consumer demand. Gluten gives pizza crust its chewiness and resistance, so it’s a huge challenge to produce a quality gluten free substitute. Even if someone did develop an incredible gluten free dough, using it in a typical pizzeria would be potentially dangerous due to exposure to wheat flour. Some pizzerias buy pre-made shells produced in gluten free facilities, but the cleanliness of the production facility is nullified if it’s used in close proximity to wheat flour. One solution is to construct a separate room for gluten free dough production and pizza baking, but that requires a discreet air supply. That’s great if you have the space for it, but NYC barely has space for the requirements of an average pizzeria as it is. 

The dangers are only severe for people who have Celiac disease, not necessarily for those who perceive that they have an intolerance to gluten. Celiac is an autoimmune disorder that damages the small intestine after ingestion of gluten-containing grains like wheat, rye, and barley. Most NYC pizzerias that offer gluten free pizza are not 100% safe for those with Celiac disease. Nevertheless, they are perfectly fine for most people who avoid gluten for non-essential reasons. 

If you’re not into gluten, here’s a list of NYC pizzerias that have pizza options for you:

Best Pizza
Don Antonio by Starita
Patrizia’s of Brooklyn
Pizzeteria Brunetti
Sac’s Place (gf pasta, not pizza)
Two Boots
Williamsburg Pizza 

Am I missing any? Send names and links my way and I’ll add to the list!


Pizza Tours

Walking Pizza Tours

Sunday Pizza Bus Tour

Private Pizza Tours

Virtual Pizza Classes

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