Emmy Squared Pizza Test


I was fortunate enough to be invited to a tasting for the highly anticipated sequel to Clinton Hill’s excellent pizzeria Emily. It’s scheduled to open within the next few weeks and when it does it is going to be a big deal. EMMY Squared will be located at 364 Grand Street in Williamsburg and the big feature will be square pizza. But this isn’t just your typical Sicilian pizza – it’s a variation made popular in Detroit. Check the pic above for an idea of what to expect from this new spot. 


Detroit’s pizza roots can be traced back to Buddy’s, which opened in 1946. The pizza is square, baked in a pan, and has cheese burnt around the edges. Matt and Emily Hylan flew in a pizza from Buddy’s so we’d have a reference point for the tasting. That’s not to say they’re aiming to replicate Buddy’s, they just wanted to set out palates in the right place. 


If what we ate at the tasting is any indication, we’re all in for a real treat when EMMY Squared opens its doors. I’ll see you there!


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